Gynecomastia (male breast reduction): Before & After Photos
Surgeries and Treatments performed by Pedy Ganchi, MD in Ridgewood, NJPatient 1
20 year old male who wanted a more masculine appearance to the chest. He underwent Gynecomastia surgery to remove excess glandular tissue under and around the nipple. No more puffy, pointed nipples- simply a more masculine smooth chest contour with nearly invisible areolar scars.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.
Patient 2
25 year old man who suffered from one sided gynecomastia underwent right chest liposuction and excision of breast tissue for a masculine, symmetric result. Pictured before and 3 months after. The scar is well hidden around the areola. Ht- 5’ 10” Wt- 175 lbs.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.
Patient 3
Young man who was self-conscious about the appearance of his chest, especially the pointy nipples and underlying breast tissue. Using a combination technique including liposculpting and direct excision, a more masculine physique was created. Scars are well hidden along the areola.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.
Patient 4
Gynecomastia-Male Breast Young man treated with a combination of excision of breast tissue and liposuction.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact us and set up a consultation.